"Turnkey" construction of cogeneration power station (600kV) and delivery of thermal oil boilers (720kV) , SE "Pavlograd Chemical Plant", Pavlograd, Ukraine (2017-2018)
As a part of the development of technological production and the introduction of energy efficient technologies at the plant, the design work was completed, equipment was delivered, «turnkey» construction and installation work were done of the power center to provide technological heat and electricity production in the cogeneration power plant 600kW based on the MWM TCG 2016V12 and the supply of thermal oil boilers by company Ascentec, with a capacity of 720kW.
Reconstruction of the PFM-1 antipersonnel mine recycling unit with the transfer of the heat recovery system to thermal oil, SE«Pavlograd Chemical Plant», Pavlograd, Ukraine (2016-2017)
As part of the reconstruction of the heat recovery system and the use of thermal energy - design works, equipment delivery, and turn-key installation works were carried out.
The project provides for the transfer of a heat recovery system using water for thermal oil (t = 160ºC), which made it possible to avoid freezing of the coolant in winter, improve operating conditions, and significantly increase the service life of the entire system.
"Development of project documentation for the reconstruction of 32 boiler houses", Nikolaev, Ukraine (2017)
Within the framework of the program «District heating Energy Efficiency Project» in Ukraine, our company completed the design works on stage "P" and feasibility study for the reconstruction of 32 housing facilities in Nikolaev.
All works are carried out in accordance with the norms and rules of the DBN and the procedural requirements of the World Bank.
Air heating project of burning kiln,PSC«Vatutinsky kombinat ogneuporov»,Vatutino city, Ukraine(2017)
In 2017, Interenergo completed a turn-key project for heating air used for burning and supplying husks in kilns.
Heating air is carried out by steam from the recovery boiler, using the secondary resource of the technological process of roasting raw materials.
Interenergo developed the concept of the project, completed the project documentation, delivered the entire set of equipment and materials, carried out installation and commissioning works.
This work allowed the customer to save 6.2% of gaseous fuel at the expense of secondary unused resources, equivalent to 147 thousand m3 of natural gas per year.
Basic parameters of the project:
- steam pressure - 3 bar; - temperature of hot air - 120ºС; - steam consumption for heating - up to 700 kg/h.
Works on power supply of manufacturing roomState Enterprise "Pavlograd Chemical Plant", Pavlograd, Ukraine (2015)
In 2015 a group of companies "Interenergo" carried out works on the State Enterprise "Pavlograd Chemical Plant" on design and "turnkey" construction of power supply system of a new manufacturing room with the use of thermal oil as a coolant t =130ºC and water t =95ºC for heating up and maintaining temperatures required in the processing equipment.
The scope of planning and work included the development of a new substation and a full range of technologically shop.
Reconstruction of steam supply system of tire production, «Dniproshina»,Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, (2013)
A complex of «turnkey» works are made on reconstruction with steam supply system optimization of consumers.
Dictated by the need to work the following circumstances:
- reducing the amount of steam consumers in the main production building; - the presence of significant heat loss due to changed production situation; - low efficiency of energy use.
To resolve these problems in the operation of steam supply system of production it was made a reconstruction by the developed project comprising:
- the supply and installation of two PRDS (pressure-reducing desuperheating stations) 20 (1,6-230)/(0,9-190); - supply and installation of Pressure reducing stations 5-1,6/0,9- 230; - installation of a new steam jumper; - converting of steam supply system of main production building to one steam line (instead of two).
As a result of a range of works reduced heat loss of 1.8 Gcal/h, which was about 8-10%, mainly due to lower transportation costs for only one pair of the steam pipe.
Commissioning and adjustment works completed in February 2014, the results of the technical report issued.
Works on further optimization of power utilities are in process.
Concept development and project to reduce energy costs in the production of primary products,«Dniproshina», Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, (2013)
This work is a part of a complex of measures to bring in order the energy management of the plant and increase the efficiency of energy use in the manufacture of tires.
Implementation of this project consists of two parts:
1. Design work on the plant-wide systems:
replacement of deaerator DSA-100/50 on DSA-25/15 with renewal of feeding pumps;
modernization of the base stock of water storage (overheated and cooling);
modernization of communications of supply treated water, condensate and process effluents;
boiler renovation/reconstruction
local boiler installation.
2. Modernization of technological equipment of channels:
change any connections Curing channel to communications;
use of modular installation cooking energy.
The project provides automatization of all processes.
Design work completed in the I quarter of 2014.
Implementation of this project until the end of 2014 will reduce energy consumption by half in manufacturing products.
Project development and construction of an above ground gas pipeline (instead of underground gas pipeline) on "Scientific Production Association "Pavlograd Chemicals Plant" PE, Pavlograd city, Ukraine (2012-2013)
PJSC "SPE Interenergo" performed in 2012-2013 by their own design a laying pipelines above ground (instead of pre-existing underground) for "Scientific Production Association "Pavlograd Chemicals Plant" PE, consisting of:
Pipe section DN200mm, 370m;
Pipe section DN65mm, 130m.
This work was made to replace obsolete and worn-out pipeline sections, beyond the control of their condition because of the underground installation in place of pathways.
Project envisages the construction of gas pipelines in full compliance with current regulatory and technical documents (RTD):
DBN V.2.5-20-2001. Gas feeding;
Safety Rules of Gas feeding system in Ukraine.
In the construction of gas pipelines all the requirements of the detailed design and specification were satisfied.
Project development and construction of a gas pipeline for gas feeding to the solid waste recovery system on "Scientific Production Association "Pavlograd Chemicals Plant" PE, Pavlograd, Ukraine, (2012)
PJSC "SPE Interenergo" in 2012 drafted and provided the construction of the gas pipeline with the length about ≈ 2 km on the territory of "Scientific Production Association "Pavlograd Chemicals Plant" PE .
Because of propagation conditions through the plant, its range - an object can be classified as external medium pressure gas pipeline, with a total consumption of gas about 374.0 Nm3/h.
To reduce the pressure of natural gas for consumers, cabinet-type gas control point (CTGCP) with two lines reduction provided.
CTGCP completed with filter, gas pressure regulators, relief and shut-off valves, metering unit of natural gas and gas volume corrector.
Putting a gas pipeline into operation allowed the company to guarantee the recovery of fragments of the motor housing and solid-crumbs.
Simultaneously PJSC "SPE Interenergo" provides technical assistance and protection while the design review of the project in the state bodies, as well as the registration of the pipeline.
Development project for the installation of 4 compressors, manufactured by «MAN TURBO», in the shop compressed air PJSC "Alchevsk Iron&Steel Works",Alchevsk, Ukraine, (2012)
In 2012 PJSC "Interenergo" developed the technological part of the working draft of air compression plant №4 PJSC "Alchevsk Iron&Steel Works", which sets the 4th compressor manufactured by «MAN TURBO», Switzerland, with capacity of 160 thousand m3/h each.
Works were carried out in conjunction with the general designer of this work - StateEnterprise«Ukrainian research & technology center of metallurgy industry «Energostal». This project is made for the organization and construction of a new plant compressed air for oxygen plant «AIR LIQUIDE».
The first provides for installation of 3 compressors, second place - one compressor.
To repair equipment provided bridge crane 50/12, 5t. Based on the weight of the heaviest parts of the compressor (50t).
All the equipment is rationally placed in a building with length in 78m and a width of 24m.
Reconstruction of boiler type LMZ-90/34 Art. № 4 installed on PEVS PJSC "IC" Azovstal ", Mariupol, Ukraine,(2012)
In 2012 PJSC "Interenergo" Run Project reconstruction of boiler type LMZ-90/34 Art. № 4, mounted on PEVS PJSC "IC" Azovstal" in Mariupol.
The existing boiler type LMZ-90/34 Art. № 4 is not present on the design requirements, the deteriorating quality of the source water in the Donetsk region. As a result, the boiler blowdown is unrealistically high (over 10%), leading to a significant loss of heat, the boiler water and steam underproduction.
The Project's technical solutions, the following key elements to the reconstruction of the boiler:
Replacement of the existing devices in the separation of the first stage of the upper front drum with new ones;
Replacement of the existing devices in the separation of the first stage on the upper rear drum louvre-throttle separators and install new perforated ceiling;
Installation of 6 cyclones in the upper rear drum (the second stage of evaporation);
Organization of the third stage of evaporation in two remote cyclone installed from the front of the boiler;
increase the degree of screening furnace by installing two additional panels side screens from the front and the increase in the ceiling of the heated surface (the front) of the screen;
changes in the number and trace water-supply pipes and steam outlet pipe, with reconstruction schemes circulation.
Implementation of the project will enable the production of steam boiler ratings and the quality required.
Рroject documentation for the construction of the installation of thermal waste processing crude benzol, LLC "NPP Rubizhne", Ukraine,(2011)
Company PJSC "SPE Interenergo" made the complex of works on designing, developing original designs, original equipment manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of the facility.
Detailed project envisages construction of the facility for thermal waste processing benzol with waste heat of the exhaust gases in the steam boiler.
The installation consists of two blocks. The structure of each unit includes: heat chamber, boiler, economizer, gas cleaning and traction-blowing machine.
Incineration of waste is provided in a heat chamber by own original designs. Heat chamber consists of a vertical cylindrical furnace and horizontal flue. Burner device located in the upper part of the furnace, and includes a burner for burning liquid wastes from crude benzene and gas burner. In the bottom of the heat chamber is fed waste liquors after washing and sulfuric acid tar process sulfuric acid cleaning. The high temperature of the solution is evaporated and melting solids. The melt is removed from the heat chamber and transported. Combustion products from a thermal camera superheater come into boiler.
To improve the efficiency of the gas cleaning hazardous waste incineration plants is organized in such a way that the sulfur-containing components of the mixture is burned in the heat chamber of one of the blocks, while the other unit in the heat chamber is fed a mixture of waste that does not contain sulfur. Combustion products do not contain sulfur are discharged through the bypass flue, passing gas cleaning.
To reduce the temperature of the combustion products before the waste heat boilers to provide the required level the recirculation of combustion products after economizers in furnaces.
The use of special burners own unique design allows for optimal combustion conditions in the waste.
Install provides with utilizers with steam output 8.5 t/h.
Maximum capacity of two units - 17t/h. Steam parameters P = 1.4 MPa, t = 250ºC.
To make up for the loss of steam and condensate, in the normal operation of recovery boilers and steam generating the necessary quality and chemical water treatment envisaged deaerating-feed plant. Chemical water treatment is selected at full capacity of recovery boilers.
Specifications of the system:
Utility waste: Crude benzene, top fraction of crude benzene, still bottoms, tar acid, alkali after the acid wash.
Reconstruction of schemes for steam separation and circulation of boiler TKZ-120/34 Art. № 2 installed on PEVS PJSC "IC" Azovstal ", Mariupol, Ukraine (2012)
A project was completed on the reconstruction of the separation devices of the boiler TKZ-120/34 (station No. 2) PEVS OJSC «Azovstal» in order to achieve the set parameters of superheated steam and ensure trouble-free operation of the boiler with nominal steam capacity.
Due to the unsatisfactory operation of the separation devices, the boiler worked with a reduced steam capacity and had continuous continuous purge higher than the norm, which reduced the economic performance of the boiler.
The reconstruction project provides for the following basic technical solutions. The first stage of evaporation is placed in the drum. Existing intra-drum devices are dismantled in full. Intra-drum cyclones, a distribution box, louvred-throttle packages, a perforated ceiling, distribution sheets, and a phosphating device are compactly installed in the drum. The intra-drum devices are removable and arranged so that access to the inner surface of the drum is possible. The steam-water mixture from the evaporating surfaces of the clean compartment enters the drum into the distributing box, which makes it possible to evenly distribute the steam-water mixture over the inner drum cyclones. In cyclones, which are centrifugal separators, moisture is separated from the vapor. In the louvre covers of cyclones, as well as in the louver-throttle packages, additional drying of the steam occurs. The front and rear screens, as well as the boiler beam, are included in the first stage of evaporation, and the side screens in the second.
The reconstruction provides for partial dismantling and re-routing of the internal boiler pipelines, as well as a partial reconstruction of the side screens, the lower drum, stairs and platforms, lining and insulation.
As a result of the reconstruction, the following indicators were achieved:
Productivity of the TKZ-120 steam boiler:
nominal after reconstruction 120 t/hour.
Nominal steam parameters:
excessive pressure 3,4 MPa.
Temperature 420 ºС.
Estimated fuel consumption per boiler:
Natural gas 1727 nm3/hour
Coke oven gas 4532 nm3/hour
Blast furnace gas 69930 nm3/hour.
Maximum flue gas outlet temperature 161ºС. Consumption of nutrient water on the boiler 126,0 t/hour. Limits of steam boiler output control 50-100%. Starting time of the boiler from start of ignition to set of rated load from cold condition 1,5 hour. Steam boiler efficiency 89,3%.
Reconstruction of the heating supply system of PJC "Dniprovagonmash"to ensure off-line operation of the plant's energy department, Kamyansk city, Ukraine.
At "Dneprovagonmash", Dneprodzerzhinsk, the complex of works on reconstruction of the existing heating supply system has been done, because thermal energy resources (a mixture of combined coke-oven and blast-furnace gases and steam) were no longer received from a nearby factory and because of the transition to autonomous heating supply system. At the same time the whole existing heating supply system of industrial and administrative buildings and premises has been subjected to reconstruction:
In the main plant's boiler station the morally and physically worn-out steam boiler (type ШБ -A7) was replaced for three back boilers type КСВа -3, 15 "ECO" with a total capacity of 9.45 MW;
In the timber-dryer's premise the furnace with two boilers installation type "NOVELLA RAI" has been built;
In the ventilating equipment workshop (in furnace) a single back boiler "NOVELLA RAI" has been installed;
In the railway workshop's premise a furnace with two boilers installation has been organized.
All reconstructed objects now work to combust natural gas, requiring, in its turn, to change the gas supply system of the plant.
In addition to these works, a partial reconstruction of the factory heating systems has been carried out, which allowed to optimize heat flow, to rationalize equipment loading, and thereby to provide energy savings.
The main plant's boiler and furnace stations are maximum automated, making it possible to ensure the equipment operation by the minimum of field personnel. Mentioned above complex of works has allowed PJC "Dneprovagonmash":
To provide energy savings;
To achieve energy independence from energy suppliers.
Gas-piston cogeneration power plant16MW,"Company "Zakhidbudinvest" JSC, Lvov region, Ukraine (2008-2009)
"Interenergo SPC" is carrying out "turn-key" construction of a gas-piton cogeneration power plant 15664 kW that consists of 4 units "Deutz TCG 2032V16" and is situated in village Murovane, Lvov.
As of July 2008 a detailed design of power station is executed and construction work at the "Company" Zakhidbudinvest" territory is started for the purpose of heat and electric power supply of Lvov and the local industry.
Power station construction is going to be in a new building, thus gas-piston gensets are established on a mark of 0,000 mm in a noise isolated premise.
Delivery of electric power from generator connectors is to the buses of the projected gas-distributing unit 6kW.
Each gas-piston genset evolves, together with exhaust gases and at cooling of the engine jacket, 4090kW of thermal energy which is utilized due to installation of КУВ – 2,0 heat utilizer developed by «Interenergo SPC» behind each genset in which network water is heated up to 105ºС.
Natural gas is used as a fuel for plant and it moves from a high pressure gas pipeline Р=1,1 MPa, diameter 500mm.
Pressure of natural gas before plant is 8 Mbar, maximum mass gas consumption on four units is 3928 mm3/h. A gas-regulating station (GRS) with pressure regulator РДГ 50- н (м) is established for keeping of the natural gas pressure.
Gas-piston genset Deutz TCG 2032 V 16 is delivered together with «Total Electronic Management» (TEM) system which provides control and supervision over all functions of the gas engine, and also auxiliary units in one block, with application of the «Deutz Energy » controller.
Cogeneration power plant is a mean of electric power generation by three 3-phase generators type АvК DIG150м/6. Each generator generates power of 3916 kW. Generated voltage is 6.3 kV.
Utilization of anti-personnel mines PFM-1, SE RIC "Pavlograd chemical plant", Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine, (2008)
Within the framework of the international program "Partnership for Peace" Ukraine - NATO with NAMSA on comprehensive utilization of anti-personnel mines PFM-1, which are unfit for further use, "Interenergo SPC" has designed and implemented a "turnkey" technology of thermal and chemical decontamination of products utilization of anti-personnel mines PFM-1 for the State еnterprise "Research-industrial complex "Pavlograd chemical plant" (SE RIC PCP).
The above mentioned technology is based on the equipment of our own design, our own production and use in the project of foreign-made equipment, in particular dry filters for neutralization of Caldo (UK).
Interenergo's technology of thermal and chemical decontamination, which the company has developed and implemented, provide not only clean emissions after utilization of munitions lower than MPC, but also receive up to 1.25 Gcal of utilized heat in the form of hot water to increase energy efficiency of energy resources use at the SE RIC "Pavlograd chemical plant".
HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM PIPELINE FOR THE COMBINED-CYCLE PLANT-300, "Alchevsk metallurgical works" JSC, Alchevsk, Ukraine (2008)
«Interenergo SPC» made a design of a starting steam pipeline from operating thermal power plant of an industrial complex to a projected combined-cycle plant, including reducing cooling unit 70/30-65 (RCU). Its general length on industrial complex territory is about 1500m, besides - 100m on territory of thermal power plant, the base diameter of pipes is 325х19mm, steel grade - 20.
This project has a peculiarity - a combined RCU was designed, allowing operating both from the average pressure boiler units, and from the high pressure boiler units. Designing became complicated because of establishment of the pipeline on platforms for blast-furnace gas pipelines of a big diameter, designed by "Giprostal'" institute, and also because of a presence on industrial complex territory of many various communications on a way of a steam pipelining. Steam line designing is executed according to the Rules of Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines. Strength calculations were carried out under the specialized program.
Designing was carried out taking into account possible manufacturing of the steam lines basic elements by the Ukrainian manufacturers, including bent pipeline sections.
Combined RCU can be also made and completed basically by production of the Ukrainian manufacture.
The designed steam pipeline is examined by the Employer and placed in manufacture.
The mounted steam line is a part of a construction complex of a combined cycle gas-turbine power station 303МW on the base of a gas-turbine engine "Mitsubishi".
Under the contract with Kharkov Institute "Energoproject" we made the operating documentation of coke gas pipelines and fuel gas pipelines framework for power project with steam and gas cycle 303MW on technology of Japanese company "Mitsubishi".
The following operating documentation is developed:
coke gas pipelines Ø1020, 720, 426mm;
fuel gas pipelines framework (blast-furnace and converter gases) Ø 2620x10mm.
The project is executed according to «Safety rules for a gas supply facility of the ferrous metallurgy enterprises». All elements that are necessary for manufacturing, assembling and operation of pipelines are developed:
templates for a marking of pipes and apertures;
pipelines fastenings to the building units (feet, suspension brackets, yokes);
hydroshutters with pipelines, blowing-off candles, auxiliary pipelines and (drainage, water and nitrogen supplies);
thermal isolation.
Realization of the developed project allows providing of the fuel gases delivery to abuilding station.
Our company has executed a complex of works on reconstruction of a boiler (type ТС-35 st.№ 3) with its steam capacity increase from 35 t/hour up to 50 t/hour. Boiler basic elements have been also replaced:
a boiler drum, including separation equipment;
a boiler combustion chamber, together with burners;
a boiler super-heater, including steam cooler.
We've applied modern decisions during new units' development: combustion chamber is structurally designed with more compact arrangement of furnace pipes that has increased their heat exchange and has allowed raising of the radiant heat exchange at furnace existing dimensions.
The modern burners are applied, allowing functioning of the boiler in three modes:
natural gas combustion;
black oil combustion;
gas and black oil combustion.
Application of the modern decisions has allowed improving boiler productivity on 15 t/h, and the efficiency on 3 %.
Detailed design is developed according to requirements of the standard documentation and taking into account wagon works specificity. Actually, we made a renewed boiler equipped with modern automatics from obsolete and physically worn out equipment.
In connection with long previous operation of the boiler (over 40 years), our company executed expert inspection of the boiler elements remaining for the subsequent operation: a casing, water economizer, air heater.
On the basis of the executed work complex on diagnostics of the boiler elements, decision of a commission of experts has been received. It enables to run a boiler within 20 years but under the condition of preventive maintenance execution. Thus, the executed boiler reconstruction with replacement of the worn out elements and control of the elements metal condition allowed prolonging a boiler resource with simultaneous improvement of its technical and economic characteristics.
A number of the new original technical decisions, allowed providing of the boiler productivity improvement has been applied during boiler reconstruction.
Together with boiler elements almost all auxiliaries have been replaced, including:
draft systems (the fan and smoke exhauster with electric motors);
boiler pipelines (feed, a steam line, auxiliary lines);
an electric equipment (cases, control panels, actuator electric drives and cables);
instrumentations and automatics (meters of temperature, pressure and underpressure, consumption, level; automatic regulators; control means, protection and alarm systems). All boiler control boards (panels) are also replaced.
Our company carried out commissioning of the boiler and also ecological thermotechnical and thermochemical tests which confirmed the rightness of the made technical decisions.
After execution of complex of commissioning and balancing we got operating documents:
reconstructed boiler operation scheme;
boiler chemistry conditions diagram.
Thus, the boiler is supplied with the necessary set of manuals and technical documents, allowing organizing normal operation over the range of the required loads.
Reconstruction project of the turbo-installation АТ-25- 2 st.№1 is executed at a central electric blowing house of «Makeevka metallurgical works». The following technological systems were reconstructed:
the main steam lines system;
extracted steam pipelines;
the basic condensate system;
the circulating system;
system of steam supply for turbine packing;
the oil system;
turbine control system;
drainage system.
Reconstruction includes:
replacement of condensate lines, circulating pipelines, drainage pipelines, ejectors, replacement and installation of the condensate pumps, circulating pumps, oil pumps, variable valves and isolation valves, elements of regulation system;
a corrosion-resistant coating of condenser water chambers, oil coolers, air coolers.
Our company executed a completion of documentation for turbine air-gas channel elements according to requirements of the operating normative documentation.
The design documentation was developed taking into account requirements of Operational regulations for power stations and networks, Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines, and also the gained experience of the similar units reconstruction in metallurgy industry of Ukraine.
Pipelines strength calculations were carried out taking into account all load factors (pressure, weight, temperature expansions, etc.). The complete set of the working documentation allows:
manufacturing of the turbine and pipelines elements;
executing of the repair-and-renewal operations by an assembly organization;
executing of the commissioning and balancing works by adjusters;
ensuring of the power unit normal operation.
Having developed design documentation we kept the existing flow diagram of power unit, but laid new modern components, equipment and elements made by manufacturers at the present time. Automatic control system is improved. It provides the following functions:
regulating units control during unit start-up, operating mode change or its stop;
maintenance of the unit long operation;
maintenance of the set rotation frequency with demanded degree of irregularity.
The developed system of the feed water regenerative heating is kept. It essentially influences technical and economic indices of the unit.
The basic technical characteristics of the turbine (typeАТ-25-2):
Nominal capacity - 25MW.
Rotary rotations per minute – 3000rpm.
Working steam parameters:
pressure - 28 kgs/cm2.
temperature – 400ºC.
RECONSTRUCTION OF BOILERКЕ2,5-9 FOR PEELING BURNING,"ARGO Ltd.", Rudnevo village, Sumy region, Ukraine(2005 – 2006)
The detailed design of a boiler-house reconstruction of "ARGO Ltd." is executed and applied, Rudnevo village, in a groats production shop.
The project foresees modernization and installation of a boiler type КЕ-2,5-9 with ГМ-2,5 burner. The boiler is designed for generation of a necessary quantity of saturated steam for technological needs on buckwheat peelings burning and natural gas for lighting. Installation of a new boiler is carried out in a building built-on to an existing building of a boiler-house.
Project is developed in the following parts:
- engineering; - mechanical; - constructional; - heating and ventilation; - fuel supply; - ash removal; - control equipment; - electro-supply; - labour protection and safety measures.
The project foresees the decisions directed on saving of heat and fuel. The detailed design is developed according to requirements of the operating normative documentation and taking into consideration a specificity of the agrarian enterprise. The developed project has been completely implemented, thus the existing boiler-house has undergone full re-planning and reconstruction:
- deaerating-feed plant is transferred; - chemical water purification is replaced on a new one that has an improved productivity; - considerable part of pipelines of a boiler-house is replaced.
The standard coal boiler type КЕ-2,5-9 designed for fuel-bed firing has undergone modernization "on the move", thus buckwheat peelings burning is organized in velocity aerated layer with installation of an additional fan.
Air-feeding by two streams is organized for effective buckwheat peelings burning.
The above said design enables stable burning of buckwheat peelings in quantity 0,67÷0,74 t, providing generation of the saturated steam with pressure 7÷9 kgs/cm2 in quantity 3÷3,3 t/h, that meets the needs of production in technological steam of the specified parameters.
At the same time the efficiency is provided at a level of 74-76 %, i.e. within the limits of values for that kind of fuel.
Executed measurings of harmful emissions have shown that due to optimization of a fuel burning process in a boiler, the permissive level of emissions (of CO and NOх) is provided. Removal of combustion gases is carried out in an existing chimney 25 m height and 530mm diameter that provides normal dispersion of harmful substances.
The boiler is equipped by necessary quantity of the monitoring instruments which provide normal operation of protection circuits and the signal system of a boiler.
As a result of the executed complex of adjustment works, boiler normal operation according to the design objectives is provided.
Thus, at rather small expenses, a standard boiler of a line production has been modernized "on the move" during assembling that has provided high efficiency of this measure, especially taking into account possibility of secondary fuel burning.
Our company has executed development of a new original design and delivery of КУП-100-4,1-445 exhaust-heat boiler primary elements for installation behind ГТЭ-25С gas-turbine unit with ДГ-80 engine produced by "Zoria-Mashproekt" PE, Nikolaev.
The exhaust-heat boiler had been made of transportable units of a high factory availability that allowed carrying out of assembling in a short period of time.
There are three modes of the boiler operation:
- combined mode which is the main one and under which processes of steam generation and superheating run due to the use of waste-gas heat of gas-turbine engine and additionally burned fuel in boiler burners; - off-line mode (inactive engine) when the boiler operates only due to firing in burners. In this mode the exhaust-heat boiler operates as an ordinary steam generating boiler; - heat-recovery (starting) mode when only gas-turbine engine waste-gas heat is used. This mode can also be forcibly used by different reasons or in the absence of steam consumers.
The boiler is made of two semi-furnaces in which microjumbo burner units are installed, of two economizer units, evaporators and superheaters.
Because there is no large boiler building plant in Ukraine designing of the above said elements was being carried out subject to manufacturability. Boiler drum (1500mm inner diameter, 36mm wall thickness, 8000mm barrel shell length) was made by Ukrainian enterprise.
Proprietary designed burner (in twos microjumbo burner registers) was made in Ukraine too.
During commissioning and experimental-industrial operation there were made some changes in the exhaust-heat boiler design. These changes were aimed at reliability and efficiency improvement and at rise of availability level. So a free-standing water economizer was additionally installed for efficiency increase.
As a result of experimental works and commissioning now we have proved design of the exhaust-heat boiler (prototype model actually) and this design can be recommended for serial production. The present boiler can be successfully used for installation behind gas-turbine engines of foreign manufacture.
High-pressure steam pipeline for the combined-cycle plant-300б"Alchevsk metallurgical works" JSC,Alchevsk, Ukraine (2008)
«Interenergo SPC» made a design of a starting steam pipeline from operating thermal power plant of an industrial complex to a projected combined-cycle plant, including reducing cooling unit 70/30-65 (RCU). Its general length on industrial complex territory is about 1500m, besides - 100m on territory of thermal power plant, the base diameter of pipes is 325х19mm, steel grade - 20.
This project has a peculiarity - a combined RCU was designed, allowing operating both from the average pressure boiler units, and from the high pressure boiler units. Designing became complicated because of establishment of the pipeline on platforms for blast-furnace gas pipelines of a big diameter, designed by "Giprostal'" institute, and also because of a presence on industrial complex territory of many various communications on a way of a steam pipelining. Steam line designing is executed according to the Rules of Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines. Strength calculations were carried out under the specialized program.
Designing was carried out taking into account possible manufacturing of the steam lines basic elements by the Ukrainian manufacturers, including bent pipeline sections.
Combined RCU can be also made and completed basically by production of the Ukrainian manufacture.
The designed steam pipeline is examined by the Employer and placed in manufacture.
The mounted steam line is a part of a construction complex of a combined cycle gas-turbine power station 303МW on the base of a gas-turbine engine "Mitsubishi".
Under the contract with Kharkov Institute "Energoproject" we made the operating documentation of coke gas pipelines and fuel gas pipelines framework for power project with steam and gas cycle 303MW on technology of Japanese company "Mitsubishi".
The following operating documentation is developed:
- coke gas pipelines Ø1020, 720, 426mm; - fuel gas pipelines framework (blast-furnace and converter gases) Ø 2620x10mm.
The project is executed according to «Safety rules for a gas supply facility of the ferrous metallurgy enterprises». All elements that are necessary for manufacturing, assembling and operation of pipelines are developed:
- templates for a marking of pipes and apertures; - pipelines fastenings to the building units (feet, suspension brackets, yokes); - hydroshutters with pipelines, blowing-off candles, auxiliary pipelines and (drainage, water and nitrogen supplies); - thermal isolation.
Realization of the developed project allows providing of the fuel gases delivery to abuilding station.
Repair of theТП-150 boiler with modernization "Makeevka metallurgical works" CJSC, Makeevka, Ukraine (2006)
Works "on a turn-key basis" on repair and modernization of ТП-150 boiler (st.№ 1) are finished. Our company has executed replacement of the burners with side dashers' change, air heater and water economizer replacement, installation of two self-regulating multifuel flat-flame burners for simultaneous burning of the blast-furnace, coke and natural gases providing reliable and economic operation of the boiler at any ratio of fuel gases.
Temperature regulation of the superheated steam is carried out by change of a burner position on fire chamber height. The burner is equipped with protective striking device (type ЗЗУ-ОМС-4А-УФЦ-500) and with control devices of the pilot and basic flame of the burner. On application of the specified burners we have thermotechnical effect and also decrease of the harmful emissions in atmosphere.
Together with installation of the self-regulating multifuel flat-flame burners the following is provided: increase of the boiler operation efficiency, optimization of the fuel burning process, superheated steam temperature stabilization (due to self-regulation of the flames position on fire chamber height) and decrease of a low-temperature corrosion of the tail heating surfaces.
The executed complex of works on the boiler modernization during the capital repair has allowed to save resources and to bring boiler to an efficient condition that is very important in thermal power station of the metallurgical works, where equipment is outmoded and physically depreciated. During boiler capital repair, all convective heating surfaces have been replaced.
Full renewal of instrumentations and automatics with installation of the new and more modern ones is simultaneously executed that has raised reliability and safety of the boiler operation. At the completion of a work complex, ТП-150 boiler (st.№ 1) was the most reliable and renovated at thermal power plant. It has allowed covering of requirements of the plant for thermal energy and blast-furnace blast throughout a long period.
Thus, by the example of the present boiler it was once again confirmed that at simultaneous burning of several kinds of fuels installation of the flat-flame burners is the optimal.
Here are following technical characteristics of the flat-flame burners developed by «Interenergo SPC»:
- heat productivity – 5-90MW; - fuel: blast-furnace gas, coke, natural, ferroalloy, converter gases and black oil (in one burner); - air equivalence ratio – α =1,03-1,05; - a range of superheated steam temperature change – 60-1200С due to self-regulation; - specific metal content 20-30kg/MW; - an angle between the top and bottom nozzle – 60-1200; - level of nitrogen oxides – 40-150mg/mm3.
Evaporation cooling system repair,«Donetskstal'» CJSC – metallurgical works», Donetsk city, Ukraine, (2006)
Repair of the evaporation cooling system (ECS) of the blast furnace at metallurgical works is executed. All evaporation panels and also supply pipelines and pipe lateral are replaced. Drum-separator and all stop valves and control valves were repaired. During ECS repair pipelines and systems of their fastening, and also various fabricated metals have been made on our own.
Natural gas pipeline on the air heater is restored and repair of the "pure" blast-furnace gas pipeline part is made. Renewal and strengthening of the fabricating metals is made.
During ECS repair a special attention was paid to a drum-separator on which following kinds of works were carried out:
• disconnection of the pipelines by bullnoses; • removal and repair of fittings, measuring devices and safety valves; • opening of hatches, clearing of a drum internal surface and its inspection; • repair of the revealed defects by welding and scrapping; • final assemblage, bullnoses removal and commissioning.
During repair of the drum-separator and replacement of panels experts strictly were guided by the technical documentation developed by technical center "Energostal'", which is the head (specialised) organization for the given kind of equipment.
Supply pipelines and pipe laterals were made and mounted according to Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines.
After finishing of the assembling the whole system was put to the hydraulic test which has confirmed quality of the executed works according to technical documentation requirements. After finishing of all works the blast furnace was put in operation. During an operation warranty period (12 months) there were no refusals, claims and reclamations from the customer.
Waste-heat boiler behind the gas-piston genset WILSON PG1250B, "Energiya-Podol'ya"Enterprise,Khmelnitskiy,Ukraine(2006)
Power plant has been constructed on the basis of PG 1250В gas-piston engine. Design and engineering documentation has been developed and in-line equipment has been supplied namely hot-water boiler and delivery water heater. 12 months unit commercial operation confirmed a correct selection of the made technical decisions.
Technical characteristic of the boiler:
Heating efficiency, MW (Gcal/h) 0.7(0.6)
Water pressure on the boiler outlet, MP (kg/cm2) 0.47(4.7)
Temperature chart, 0C 74-80
Heating area, m2 74.4
Coefficient of efficiency, % 76.1
Overall dimensions, mm 3570 х 1400 х 100
Metal mass under pressure, kg 3500
Boiler design description:
ТУВ-0,6 waste-heat boiler is a fire-tube boiler, horizontal formatted, building-block gasproof designed with drainable heating area.
Boiler consists of a convection bank in a cylindrical casing Ø920mm, in-line and out-line gas pipelines and bypass valve on the gas-intake unit and supporting structure.
A primary element of the boiler is convection bank. Heating area is 74.4 m2.
Convection bank structure secures free movement direction of the bank following the thermal expansions.
Aerodynamic resistance of the waste gas circuit from motor-generator set up to an output from a chimney at operation on a nominal mode is 2000 P.
The brief description of device and principle of ТУВ-0,6 heat utilizer operation:
ТУВ-0,6 heat utilizer (further - ТУВ) is installed forward of a gas generator. ТУВ consists of:
ТУВ convective package with gas passes, bypass valve and pipelines within the heat utilizer;
combined case (electrotechnical and control equipment).
Repair of the boiler of foreign manufacture, Lvov city utility enterprise «L'vovteploenergo», heat and power plant-1, boiler made by "Borzig" st.№9, L'vov, Ukraine (2006)
Repair of a boiler with domestic water economizer replacement is executed. Execution of works on a boiler of foreign manufacture was a little complicated in connection with presence of design features of heating surfaces. The original technical decisions, allowed to provide reliability of a water economizer design and possibility of the further boiler operation are developed.
All works are executed according to the standard documentation and Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of steam and water-heating boilers. The made test of the basic indicators of a boiler technical condition has proved the accepted technical decisions.
All complex of works is executed with a payment delay for 6 months, given to the equipment owner – Lvov city utility enterprise "L'vovteploenergo".
During repair the following works were carried out:
• manufacturing of water economizer coils; • manufacturing of water economizer fastening means; • manufacturing of screens, convective bunch pipes and steam bypass pipes; • manufacturing of water economizer overhead pipes; • assembling of again made boiler elements; • boiler repair (mid-life repair in typical volume); • manufacturing quality assurance (ultrasonic control, hydraulic tests).
The executed commissioning works together with the operational personnel have confirmed quality of the executed boiler repair and its operational reliability. Measurements of the boiler operation indicators have produced positive results corresponding to the modern requirements, made to the given type of the equipment. Harmful emissions are also within norms, it has allowed receiving of inspectorate permissions to the further boiler operation.
Boiler operation during the guarantee period (12 months) has proved the accepted technical decisions, and also quality of the executed repair-assembling works. There are no rejections in boiler operation within the specified period.
During the same period we have replaced the main feed water pipelines (№ 1 and № 2) Ø219х8mm, 159х6mm at CHPP-1.
The executed complex of works has raised an operational reliability of the power equipment of Lvov CHPP-1.
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